The AD (i.e. actual day in wedding jargon)

Haha.. we’ve learnt quite a few jargons used by BTB (i.e. brides-to-be) online from forums such as Of ‘coz, jargons include words like MUA (make-up artist), PG (photographer), WTB (wife-to-be) & HTB (husband-to-be), etc etc. =)

AD is used to denote the day of the customary wedding. Hmm.

Since we’ve secured our house, that becomes the next milestone we have to work towards! =) We’ve started to think abit about the lunch/dinner venue albeit rather frivolously. Have passed the msg to our parents to perhaps start counting the no. of ppl they want to invite. We’re not even very excited about the pre-wedding shoot (i.e. coming up in Apr) ‘coz all we’re thinking about is the house! Oops. I must say furniture-hunting is REALLY fun, more so if you’re a cash cow ‘coz they are all just so expensive and going into the thousands!!! >_<

And I’m starting to think about the corsage for my 姐妹s.. kekeke very fast hor.. =P (I say all of them should have a unique piece! =D)

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Lizhen said,

    when is your AD?

  2. 2

    sunkiiss said,

    Lizhen> Erm.. haven’t fix leh, but shld be at year end =P

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